Heat Trap – #3 in the Plumber’s Mate Mystery series


Old flames can leave a nasty burn.

It’s been six months since plumber Tom Paretski was hit by a shocking revelation about his family, and he’s been avoiding dealing with it ever since. His lover, PI Phil Morrison, wants Tom to dig deeper into his history and try to develop his psychic talent for finding things, but Tom’s not nearly so keen. Just as he decides to bite the bullet, though, worse problems crawl out of the woodwork.

Young Devil’s Dyke barmaid Marianne has an ex, Grant Carey, who won’t accept that things are over between them, and he’s ruthless in dealing with anyone who gets in his way.  When Carey threatens an old friend of theirs, Phil and Tom step in to help—but that makes them targets themselves.

What with his uncertainty about Phil’s motives, Tom’s family doing their best to drive a wedge between them, and the uncovering of an ugly incident in Phil’s past, Tom’s not sure who he can trust—and the body he finds in the pub cellar isn’t the only thing that stinks.

Amazon paperback | Kindle Riptide 


Also available in audio: Amazon | Audible

Placed fourth in the 2015 Rainbow Awards Dorien Grey Award for Best Gay Mystery/Thriller

Fans of the series will love this installment… In Heat Trap things get more up close and personal for Tom and I liked how the series grows. So yes, the book is definitely recommended – Larissa, Bookwinked

I feel like this series just gets better and better. The mysteries are all intriguing, and I love when Tom uses his abilities, but I also like the growth of a relationship across multiple books. It feels natural and realistic. I definitely recommend this series, and Heat Trap in particular – Lauren, Shooting Stars Mag

Reviews for the first edition:

A well devised murder / mystery…Phil and Tom are [a] normal couple in a relationship with all its trials and tribulations and in this book we definitely get the angst factor in their relationship. …another perfect sequel to what is now one of my all time favourite couples and murder / mystery series – Mark, Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance

If you have read other books in this series, don’t miss this one. If you haven’t, by all means get started. I highly recommend this one to add fun and flare, heartbreak, and a sweet mystery to brighten a dull day – 5 hearts, Barb, Hearts on Fire

An exceptionally exciting addition to the series, this book had me turning the pages very quickly, and hoping Tom was wrong in his fears about Phil, while at the same time, being angry at Phil for not opening up to Tom about his past… A more than enjoyable story that I highly recommend – Christy Duke, Rainbow Book Reviews

…a very British mystery series. Like, it could be on the BBC.  Sundays at 7. I’m pretty sure Derek Jacobi is going to have a cameo in the next installment – 4.5 stars, Faye, It’s About the Book  

Heat Trap is also available in French translation:


De terribles secrets pourraient bien noyer leur amour dans une canalisation.

Cela fait six mois depuis que le plombier Tom Paretski a fait une terrible découverte à propos de sa famille.
Son amant, le détective privé Phil Morrison, voit ça comme l’opportunité pour Tom de développer le talent psychique qui lui permet de retrouver des objets.
Mais Tom préfére éviter le sujet et alors qu’il décide de souffrir en silence, des nouveaux problèmes font leurs apparitions :

L’ex-compagnon de Marianne, une jeune barmaid du Devil’s Dyke Pub, ne veut pas accepter que les choses soient finies entre eux. Grant Carey gère à sa manière les personnes susceptibles de se mettre entre lui et Marianne.
Et celà inclus un vieil ami de Tom et Phil. Quand ils se décident à intervenir, celà fait d’eux des cibles idéales.

Prenez les incertitudes de Tom, une famille faisant de son mieux semer la discorde et une troublante révélation lié au passé de Phil, et voilà que soudainement Tom n’est plus sûr de savoir en qui placer sa confiance.

Qu’on se le dise, le corps retrouvé dans la cave du Dyke n’est pas la seule chose qui sent mauvais.
