
Hi, I’m JL (Jamie) Merrow (pronouns she/her). I’m that rare beast; an English person who refuses to drink tea.

I write gay romance: mostly contemporary romantic comedies and mysteries, but with a fickle muse that occasionally ambushes me in dark alleyways and drags me off, cackling, to write historical or speculative fiction.

Some might call all this pillar-to-posting tragic evidence of a short attention span; I couldn’t possibly….er, what were we talking about, again? 😉

Within these pages you’ll find details of my current publications and those coming soon, plus a few free reads.

Find me on Amazon 

Elsewhere on the web I’m on Twitter as @jlmerrow, and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/jl.merrow

I’m also a member of the UK GLBTQ Fiction Meet organising team.

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