A Ghoul Like You


Nothing says “I love you” like a stake through the heart

Niall’s just looking for a quiet life, ever since the botched vampire attack that turned him into a ghoul. He’s even trying to stay off the pleasures of human flesh.

Jamie’s a revenge-driven kid on a vampire killing spree, and he needs Niall’s help to survive. Somehow Niall finds his long-dormant conscience—and his libido—waking up. But Jamie’s luck can only last so long.

A visceral story of love (or something like it) among the undead.

Those with a strong constitution and a love of Halloween stories are going to enjoy this one a great deal. I did.  – Jenre on Goodreads.

Merrow’s great wit and humor come through with a dark side in this very delightful and entertaining story – Kassa on Goodreads.

From the small details to the large, this short story is littered with great lines and sly nods. The characters and their dialogue are particular highlights and create a very engrossing story that you never want to end. .. You may find yourself rooting for ghouls as the newest heroes.   – Whipped Cream Reviews (4.5 cherries)

Fantastic storytelling. Paranormal Romance at its best – Seriously Reviewed.

(reviews refer to the edition previously published by Noble Romance; this edition contains only minor changes)

Available in ebook:   JMS Books | Amazon | Kobo