
Limericks, lies and puppy-dog eyes

Amateur poet Jude is a carnivore working in a vegan cafe. His little dog, Bubbles, is the only man in the Anglo-Japanese graduate’s life—but Jude yearns from afar for “Karate Crumpet”, a man who runs past the cafe window every Saturday night leading a martial arts class. Jude’s swept off his feet when he’s rescued from muggers by the object of his affections—and when Jude finds out the calm, competent, hunk of muscle is also gay, he’s in seventh heaven.

Trouble is, the universe seems to be conspiring to stop them getting together. While Jude’s ready to jump straight into bed with his saviour, David’s still got one foot in the closet and wants to take things slowly. Then there’s Jude’s best friend, who has a dangerous secret, and his mother, who’s desperately trying to keep her own love life on track by lying about her age—meaning Jude has to pretend to be a schoolboy!

With a maze of different stories to keep straight, a potential stepfather to keep happy, and ex boyfriends who keep turning up on dates, Jude’s getting increasingly confused. Poetry in motion, it’s not!

Available in ebook: Amazon | Kobo iTunes B&N


Note: this book was previously published by Samhain Publishing. This second edition contains only minor revisions.

WINNER of the 2013 Rainbow Award for Best LGBT Romantic ComedyBest_Humorous.N



Jude is abso-freaking-lutely adorable….I loved this book! It had me wanting to move to their town and be part of their inner circle. The characters were fun and entertaining, but with enough depth for me to feel their pain when things took a turn for the worse. I really loved the humor. I was smiling and laughing the entire time I was reading. I definitely recommend it – 4.25 stars, Andrea at Reviews by Jessewave

Incorporating strong secondary characters, Merrow’s comedic tale offers the inevitable tropes of younger/older men who are in/out of the closet but in dynamically humorous ways. Instead of bogging down the narrative, these typical issues are turned inside out by Jude’s cheeky outlook on life and his poetry – Kristi Chadwick, Library Journal Reviews

Witty sarcasm coupled with a sweet romance made for a story that’s hard to put down! The story is told from Jude’s POV, and he is one of the most sarcastic and funny characters I have ever read … I’m really looking forward to reading this book again! – 5 stars, KindleRomance, The Romance Reviews

this book… just cracked me up.  Like laugh out loud in inappropriate places funny…I just adored Jude and the whole host of side characters.  The story is light and fun and sweet and a bit crazy– 4.25 stars, Jay at Joyfully Jay

this is an awesomely funny, entertaining yet actually very meaningful story… All the funny and sometimes touching poetry in this story just adds that little something extra that takes a book from good to really good! – 4.5 Hearts, Mandy, Hearts on Fire Reviews

it’s to the author’s credit that this crazy quilt of plot points winds up so neatly. Secrets and confessions fall out of the closet like improperly stored skeletons, and it all winds up as a big AW! in several directions… If you’re in the mood for flamboyant, funny, British characters and situations, this is the story for you – B+, Cryselle, Reading Reality

Of this author’s many talents, I think she does dialog best of all, and she is at the top of her game with this comic gem of a novel… This is more than just an excellent romantic comedy. It is a book about friendships and family and may have you laughing out loud. Highly recommendedVal Kovalin, ARe Newsletter 10 December 2013.

A Wish Too Far

Being in a book can be exhausting…

Bubbles, canine star of Slam! needs a bit of a rest after all that!