Free Glastonbury Tales Short Story

Picture of black cat and spiderwebs; text reads "A twist in the tale Halloween Advent Calendar - Unlock a new spooky MM short story every day. Visit the website below to discover free tales from 31 different MM romance authors. Oct 9-29.
Cover of audio book Face Blind by JL Merrow.

I’m delighted to be part of RJ Scott’s Twist in the Tale Halloween event, which brings you free stories throughout October from 31 different MM romance authors.

And today it’s my turn! Reunion is a brand new story in the Glastonbury Tales (Face Blind, Face the Truth) and you can read it for free by following this link:

Don’t forget to check out the other great FREE stories – more added every day!

About jlmerrow

JL Merrow is that rare beast, an English person who refuses to drink tea. She read Natural Sciences at Cambridge, where she learned many things, chief amongst which was that she never wanted to see the inside of a lab ever again. Her one regret is that she never mastered the ability of punting one-handed whilst holding a glass of champagne. She writes across genres, with a preference for contemporary gay romance and the paranormal, and is frequently accused of humour. Find JL Merrow online at:
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